LB1 -
Larsen on Bass Tactics by Larry Larsen (ISBN 0-936513-27-6)
This ultimate "how-to" book focuses on proven productive methods and is dedicated to serious bass anglers who are truly interested in learning more
about the sport. Hundreds of highlighted tips and line drawings are excellent visual guidelines that explain how to catch more and larger bass in waters all
around the country. Thirty comprehensive chapters and "bulleted" facts include: suburb bassing, floating plant strategies, playing the temperature game,
whipping the wind, and escaping fishing pressure. Also check out the following coverage: How to catch more bass from aquatic vegetation, including
developing a systematic approach to fishing submerged, emergent and surface canopy thickets. Finding and catching bass in deep waters during the cooler
months and in clear waters throughout the year. Clues on bird traffic reveal how they relate to bass locations.
Also included is how to fish heated waters, how fronts affect such waters and specialized
clarity-specific lure tactics. Small water tactics are covered in detail, such as the best ways to locate bass in ponds and creeks, the right craft and boat positioning, ultralight and finesse spots. Several
productive techniques for drifting and trolling are highlighted, including anchor use and dragging, speed variations and repeatability, and proper sizing of the bait and line. The most productive methods for
wade fishing and belly-boating include a detailed treatment of map consultation, tactics on lure presentations from the lower-profile position and safety points. Numerous other topics are included,
such as specialized tactics for boathouses, runoffs, adverse weather, inactive bass, and fluctuating water chemistry and temperature characteristics. The hundreds of highlighted steps, tips and tricks are
applicable to bass in waters all around the country. This reference source by America's best known bass fishing writer is invaluable to anglers!
BSL8 - Angler's Guide to Bass Patterns

by Larry Larsen (ISBN 0-936513-07-1) Being able to develop a pattern of successful methods and lures for specific
habitat and environmental conditions is the key to catching several bass on one fishing trip. Understanding bass movements and activities and the most
appropriate and effective techniques to employ will add many pounds of "enjoyment" to the catch. This book examines the most effective combinations
of lures and methods to catch active and inactive bass. The book is a reference source for all anglers, regardless of where they live or their skill level.
It examines the most effective combinations of lures, methods and places for a variety of environmental conditions. The productive and proven techniques to
catch both active and inactive bass are discussed. The chapter coverage includes: Lure Perception; Boat Positioning; New Water Strategies; Deep
Water Concepts; Buried Bass Discoveries; Weedline Patrols; Vegetation Tactical Moves; Brushy Escapes; Dockside Duty; Tactics On The Rocks; River Revelations; Foaming Water Fairs; Open Water
Tactics; Wicked Wind And Weather; Seasonal Transitions; Inactive, Structure-less Bass and more.
BSL3 - Bass Pro Strategies

by Larry Larsen (ISBN 0-936513-01-2) Professional fishermen know how changes in pH, water level, temperature and color affect bass fishing, and they know how to adapt to weather and
topographical variations. You can learn from their experience to develop a sound strategy to plan a productive fishing trip. The book reveals the proven
methods that the country's most successful tournament anglers have employed to catch bass in competition. Special features include mapping and eliminating
unproductive water, locating extremely deep and shallow bass, boat placement, topographical techniques and water chemistry influences. The reader's
productivity should improve after spending a few easy-reading hours with this compilation of techniques!
BSL6 - Bass Fishing Facts

by Larry Larsen (ISBN 0-936513-05-5) Productive bass anglers are those who can relate the facts of fishing to the
current conditions. They utilize their knowledge to determine the activity level of the fish, its most likely location and the most effective bait and presentation.
Wise anglers study bass under various conditions and then apply that information to the on-the-water experience. This valuable reference source is
an angler's guide to the lifestyles and behavior of black bass. It examines largemouth bass behavior during pre- and post-spawn as well as during the
bedding season. It explores bass senses, foraging motivators and their behavioral response to environmental factors. The "cline" family and its
relationship to active fish locations and the usage of "flash" colors are explained. The information also includes habitat and behavioral aspects of
other bass species such as redeye, Suwannee, spotted, etc.
BSL9 - Bass Guide Tips

by Larry Larsen (ISBN 0-936513-10-1) Those who make their living taking clients to the best bass fishing spots are
not eager to share their secrets. Learn the techniques that Larsen has learned from years of writing and fishing with the nation's most successful guides. Many
of the guides mentioned in this book are "trophy specialists" while others are simply "bass guides" who catch lots of largemouth. Some of the guides are
professional tournament fishermen, some guide on many waters and others are committed to just one lake. Sometimes, the techniques are regional, but they
frequently work in waters all around the country. All are excellent anglers and professional fishermen dedicated to providing the best service to their clientele. You can apply what the country's top guides know!
"Bass Guide Tips" is a reference source for all anglers, regardless of their skill level. It has been
written as an informational guide for outlining specific approaches to catching more and bigger bass. The chapter fare includes in SECTION I - LURE & BAIT TACTICS: Shiner Man's Secrets, Jig Flippin'
Advice, Tips From Wormin' Country, "Dead Lure" Counsel, Rattlin' Vibrations, Jerk Bait Strategies, Sunfish Kite Tricks, and Fly Fishing Prescriptions. In SECTION II - CONDITION TACTICS, you'll find:
Moving Water Techniques, Deep Water Lessons, Hot Water Pointers, Cold Water Pointers, Tough Time Reports, Stormy Guidance, Tide and Moon Indications, Observations Around You, and Biological Observations.
Sample chapter
CF2 - Crappie Tactics
 by Larry Larsen (ISBN 0-936513-40-3)
Whether it is called speckled perch, sac-a-lait, papermouth or by any other type of moniker, crappie provide thrills to millions of anglers. This book is dedicated to
crappie fishermen and women of all ages and skill levels. How, when and where to catch more fish are the questions answered in this easy-to-read book. There are
numerous tips and tricks and more than 40 line drawings and photos to carefully illustrate and detail highly productive tactics. The author's proven techniques are applicable to all waters around the country.
In Section I, the book covers "The Basics For Fun". Line, lure, bait, rod and pole, reel, hook and float selections are all reviewed. Seasonal information such as
catching crappie during the spawning phase or summer doldrums is highlighted. Release or mounting considerations for giant "specks" are also covered in this section. In Section II, you will find the top
"Places For Action" and how to fish each. Finding the good spots, checking out the vegetation, natural
and man-made structures and learning to analyze a lake provides vital information for success not found elsewhere. You'll catch more fish after reading this one section alone, guaranteed. Section III is for those
who want to consider some "advanced tactics," such as using pH to locate crappie or markerology for concentrations of the fish. This section discusses attractants and scent products, tide water fishing
opportunities and tournament preparation, among other things. Even an expert should walk away with valuable information from this section.
Sample chapter |