The Peacock Bass Library
The 4-volume Peacock Bass Library is a wealth of information that any traveling angler
should enjoy. There's lots of information for sportsmen who may be planning to visit an exotic destination in search of any type of outdoor activity. Check out the contents of the three books below.
Peacock Bass enthusiasts can also check out our Peacock Bass Association PF4 - Amazon Peacock Bass Fishing
1. Floatplane Jungle Bass On The Cuiuni
- Giant Rainforest Peacocks Swim Near The Floating Cabin Barges!
- Fry "Balls" & Piranha Bursts
- Conquering The Cuiuni Lagoons
- Post-Rain Maneuvers and Tactics
- Striking Reasons In Shallow Waters
- The Mark of A Great Guide
- Prime Timing, Options and Information
2. Rio Araca "Big Fish" Fly-Outs
- Fly-Outs, A/C Lodge Comfort and Ever-Changing Action
- Last Dance, Last Strike
- Big Fish Week
- Araca Lodge Life
- Outposts Postings & Furnished Tackle
- Clear Water Observatories
3. Passing Pasimoni's 3-Bar Exam
- Giant Peacocks Test Angler Skills In Remote Venezuelan Lagoons!
- Dolphin Pretender's Power Drives
- Return To The Paciba's "Lago Larry"
- Alternating Rivers & Camp Comforts
- Pasimoni's Freight Train #39
- Timing The Water Levels & Weather
- Luxury Memories & Length Boat Time
4. Teeners Galore On The Upper Unini
- Giant Peacock Bass "Teams" Race For Your Topwater Plug!
- 30 pounds On One Cast/One Plug
- Chopper Classes
- Can't Keep Out Lunker Hunters
- Who's Counting Or Even Catching Pequenos
- Productive Preto and Unini Rivers
- Houseboat Operation & Organization
5. Black Water Challenge On The Xeriuini
- Fiery Peacock Action Surrounds The Macaroca and Pacao Lodges!
- Lunch Time Is Time For Schoolers
- Good Water And Wet Skies
- Roraima State's Isolated Waters
- Teeners, Numbers And A Monster Or Two
- Variety of Catches and Sightings
- Comfortable, Classy Lodging
6. Sweet Spots On The Rio Negro
- First Class Accommodations and Giant Peacock Bass Action!
- Doubling Up On The Giant River
- Cutting Through The Jungle
- Storming Giants And Laydowns
- Sizeable Season Stats
- Luxury Lodge And Boats
- Amazon Tour Community Access
7. Beautiful Mountain Peacock!
- Wild Waters At Belo Monte Lodge Offer Unique Peacock Species
- Channeling The Peacock Fishing
- The Scenic Frecks and 10-Bars
- Vigorous Variety Values
- Irregular Shoreline/Active Peacocks
- Experienced Summer Angling
- Hilltop Perch With Beautiful View
8. Uproar On The Unini River
- Giant Peacocks May Yank You Out Of The Boat!
- Rod Overboard Action And Reaction
- Trolling Topwaters For Giants
- Locating A Monstrous Blackwater "Double"
- Fishing Tactics For Bubbles And Mid-Lake Haunts
- Lure Choice And Productive Modification
- On The Move Camping And Scenery
9. Victorious Voyage Up The Negro
- Cruise And Fish The Big Black River In Luxury
- Landing Giants And "Early-Releasing" Them
- Brushy Mid-Lake Monsters Turn Quick
- Balls of Fry Tactics
- Last Shot at Sundown
- Very Comfortable Night Movements
10. Nexus Exploration Of The Unknown Nhamunda
- Small Jon Boats Put Anglers Where Jungle Peacock Are Hiding
- A Slithering Strike From Overgrown Shoreline
- The Personal Approach To Remote Waters
- Coming Back From Rejection
- Prime Time For 10-Pounders
- Comfort At The Edge Of The Third World
11. The Agua Boa's Three-Bar Jackpot
- Brazilian Bonanza Offers Peacock Bass and Larger Catches!
- Team Approach & Sight Fishing Giant Peacock
- Walk-In Lakes Part Of The Topography
- River Bars And Pools Strategy
- Diving Baits For Small Lakes
- Grand Slam Of Peacocks & Others
- Unusual Sights For "Crocodile Larry"
12. Amazon's Isolated Xeriuini River Monsters
- 1,600,000 Areas Of High-Water Biting Peacocks!
- Ninety Lagoons Including The Cemetery
- Wild "Wood" Lake Giants
- Timing The Quick Releases
- Trophy Tackle Preparation
- Lodging Life And Logistics
13. Santana Status On The Madeira
- A Captivating Yacht Cruise and Big Catches
- High Numbers With Small Lure Tactics
- Failed Feeding Fish Approach
- Isolation Strategy Equals Big Fish
- Comfortable Boats And Knowledgeable Guides
- First Class Accommodations/Service
14. the Peacock Bass Association
- Just When You Thought Books Were Enough!
- World Peacock Bass Directory
- "The World of Peacock Bass" Newsletter/eZine
- Other Membership Benefits
PF1 - Peacock Bass Explosions"
INTRODUCTION - The Peacock ... In Your Face!
- Their Deadly Range
- What The Peacock Is and Isn't
- General Description
- Let's Play The Name Game
- Species Identification
- Other Peacock Species or Subspecies
- Dissimilarities To Love
Part 1. Geographically-Speaking
1. Golden Bass of Florida's Gold Coast
- Over 1,000 miles of freshwater canals
- Florida Limits
- Primary Study Area
- Miami Canal Esthetics
- Prime Dade/Broward Areas
- Distribution North
- Early State Records Fall
- Giant Leap In Record Fish
- Speckled Peacock Growth
2. Florida's Butterfly Introductions
- The nation's newest, most explosive fishery
- Annual Stocking of Butterflies
- Speckled Introductions
- Species Targeting
- The Forage Base
- Biscayne Aquifer Influence
- Exotic Population Problems
- Black Creek Canal
- Miami's Urban Fishing Success
- Fishing Hours and Places
- Southeast Florida Public Response
3. The World's Best Giant Peacock Fishery
- Venezuela's primitive and harsh Amazonas Territory
- Monsters of the Casiquiare Watershed
- The Guayana Highlands' Tepuis and Lagoons
- Alechita Creature Comforts
- Exploring The Remote Pasimoni
- Ever-Present Giant Fish Action
- The Pasiba River Passage
- Line Class World Records
4. Venezuela's Massive Lake Guri
- Check out the remote reaches of this giant impoundment
- Catch-and-Release Restrictions
- Coves, Bogs and Flooded Timber
- Island Saddles and Points
- The Sinister and Ugly
- Guri Lodge - The Oasis
- Timing The Bite
- America's Cup Fishing Tournament
- The Competition Connection
- Guri's Golden History
5. The Orinoco Tributaries of Venezuela
- Great peacock fishing in the jungles
- Caracas' Nearby Pavon Spots
- Central and Southern Venezuela
- Brown Rock Gardens
- Ventuari Lagoons
- Cinaruco River
6. Brazil's Amazon Bass
- Gangs of tucunare roam the tributary lagoons
- Access, Facilities and Base of Operation
- Rollin' On The River
- Fishing Action Overview
- The Cumina (Erepecuru) Watershed
- The Trombetas Watershed
- The Madeira Watershed
7. Uatuma, Tucurui And Other Brazilian Action
- Great fishing exists in the remote reaches of Brazil
- Para's Giant Impoundment
- Westward Along The Amazon
- Uatuma River Offerings
- Mato Grosso Operations
- The Rio Das Mortes
- Gray-Bar Peacock Species
- Variety Abounds
- Exploring Brazil On Your Own
8. The Colombia/Panama Connection
- For the biggest, smallest and most remote populations
- Colombia's Matevini River Records
- Other Colombian Tributaries
- Vaupes River Lagoons
- Panama's Huge Gatun Lake
- The World's Only Over-Population
- Gatun's Size and Quantity
- Top Spots and Facilities
- Panama's Two Other Lakes
- Timing The Bite
- The Guyanas Promise
9. Hawaii's Tenacious Tucunare
- Two scenic Pacific islands offer peacock action
- Oahu Fishing Areas
- Wahiawa's North and South Forks
- Wilson Facilities and Regs
- Kauai Fishing Areas
- Topwater Timing
- Hawaiian Tactics
- Live Bait Options
- Contact Points
10. Facts & Flops
- Studies in Puerto Rico and Texas
- Puerto Rico's La Plata Reservoir
- Forage Competition
- Caribbean Spawning Studies
- Island Environmental Factors
- Texas Introductions In Heated Waters
- A Fishable Population at Wilkes
- When Hot Is "Not" In The Lone Star State
Part 2. Preparing For Action
11. Top Tactics For Trophies
- Trolling, school activating and other productive methods
- Typical Haunts
- Productivity Variables
- Top Submergent And Surface Methods
- Speed Trolling
- School Activations
- More Giant Doubles
- Paddle Swish Draw
- Minnow-Bait Comeback
12. Tackle For The Freshwater Bully
- Here's the keys to productive lure selection
- Topwater Plugs
- Minnow Plugs
- Bait-And-Switch
- Searching The Depths
- Jigs And Vibrating Plugs
- Spoons And Spinners
- Attention to Detail
- Appropriate Tackle
13. Flyfishing Excitement
- Peacocks love to feed on the surface
- Fly Class Records
- Wading Action
- Streamers and Poppers
- Colors and Patterns
- Cast-and-Retrieve Tactics
- Outfitting For Location
- Leader and Tippet Thoughts
- Rod Weights
- Stripping School
14. Boat-Side Battles
- The world's most explosive freshwater fish
- Guide Overboard Maneuvers
- Dumb, Mean and Powerful
- Contact and Initial Run
- Fight To Exhaustion
15. Biology And Lifestyle
- Sexual Maturity
- Pre-Spawn Behavior
- Spawning Behavior
- Post-Spawn Behavior
- Shared Parental Care
- Juvenile Growth
- Adult Growth
- Weight/Size Data
- Foraging Preferences
- Bass Feeding Comparisons
- Foreign Competition
- Survival of The Fittest
16. Travel Tips/Requirements
- Health, Timing, Equipment and Expectations
- Travel Requirements/Options
- Health Precautions
- Clothing and Personal Items to Take
- Packing Tips and Tricks
- Timing Your Venture
- The Right Equipment For Handling Peacocks
- Other Fishing Tackle You'll Need
- Portable Electronics
- The Guides, Language And Tipping
- Index
"PF2 - Peacock Bass & Other Fierce Exotics"
INTRODUCTION - The Fierce Exotics On Trial1. Yachting For Amazon Giants
- Jungle River Fertility
- Doubling Up On The "Schoolers"
- Rio Negro Rock Obstacles
- Nature's Botanical Garden
- Iguapos, Paranas & Furos
- Archipelago Islands & Peacocks
- Release - A Foreign Concept
2. Peruvian Headwaters Gold
- Consistent Strikes and Catches
- The Line On Aquahaul Peacocks
- Vivid, Weird Characteristics
- Economy and Comfort
- Native Net Pressure
- Land-Locked Lagoon Action
- New and Other Options
3. Safari Camp Peacocks In The Rainforest
- The Jungle Awakes
- Skinny Lagoons & Fat Peacocks
- Focus On The Bocas
- Roll Casts On The Fly
- Camp Comfort
- The Primitive Outback
- Giant Butterfly Peacock
4. Jungle Riverboat Tucunare
- Exploring The Uatuma Watershed
- Giants, Numbers and Variety
- Oxbows and False Channels Galore
- Dolphin Foraging Reaction
- Territorial and Feeding Strikes
- Piranha Myths and Lore
5. Venezuela Outback Treasures
- Maintaining A Healthy Fishery
- Pasimoni and Pasiba Excitement
- The Ventuari's Rocky, Brown Islands
- Scurrying Bait & Fatal Attractions
- Cinaruco River Studies
- Monseratt Mysteries
6. Royal Explorations And Records
- New Locations Daily
- Fishery and Seasonal Choices
- Fly Fishing Options
- Exploration Is Enjoyable Work
- World Record Peacock
- Certified Weighing
- Manaus Tourist Opportunities
7. Other Amazon Explorations
- Fishing East of Manaus, Brazil
- Fishing West of Manaus, Brazil
- Off-Limits Waters
- Peruvian Riverboat Options
- Guyana's Lukanani With An English Accent
- Signs of Amazonia Nature
- Unusual Happenings
8. Guri Headwaters For Venezuela Combo
- Potent Payara Methods For Saba Trees
- Live Piranha Bait Tactics
- Peacock - 700, Payara - Bonus!
- Won't Let Go
- Float, Rig & Hook Considerations
- Snap Strategies & Leader Leads
9. Paragua's World Class Payara
- Falling For Uraima Salto
- Guaicinima Tepuy, Rapids & Giant Fish
- Timing And Luring Monster Payara
- Boatside Battles & Boat Battles
- Following Lake Guri Forage Fish
- Their Menacing, Devilish Appearance
- Rapid Logistics & Churata Accommodations
10. Orinoco's Toothsome Giants
- Raudales, Boulders & Draculas
- Camello World Record Hook-Up!
- Sardinata Action At Guahibo Island
- Exotic Foraging Opportunities
- Handling The Slasher
11. Effects of Pressure On The Resource
- Fishing Different Waters Daily
- Virgin Baits & The Same Old Ones
- Fly Away From Pressure
- Vulnerability - Biologically Speaking
- Giving Lures Away
12. Adventures In Latin America
- Political Problems
- Plane Predicaments
- Animal Attacks
- Camp and River Boat Quandaries
- Fishing Boat Snags
- Weather Challenges
13. Rainbow Bass of Central America
- The Peacock's Cousin
- Lake Arenal's Volcanic Fishery
- Eruptions and Weather
- Costa Rica/Nicaragua Explorations
- Tactical Vibrations & Spinners
- Existing and Future Accommodations
14. Outfitter Selection and Trip Planning
- Additional Species, Comparisons and Trade-offs
- Finding The Booking Agents
- How To Determine Outfitter Reliability
- Questions to Ask Before You Send The Deposit
- Planning The Trip
- Tackle and Reading Recommendations
- Basic Information/Special Conditions
Appendices Contact Information, Entry Requirements, Fisheries, Lures Sample Pre-Trip Info, Itinerary, Rates & Responsibilities Index

"PF3 - Peacock Bass Addiction"INTRODUCTION - Peacock Bass Addiction
- The 12 Step Program
- What This Addiction Is All About
- The Tempting Thugs
- The Booking "Junkies"
1 Rumble In The Roraima Jungle
- Aggression Beyond Belief
- Pack-In Escapes
- Wild Beginnings
- Name Change Waters
- The Eyes Watching Us
- Ecotur Park Lodge
- Below And Above The Action
2 The Queen's Rites of The Rainforest
- Big Fish Tally
- End Of Season Battle
- Low Water Tactics
- Amazing Giant Fish Production
- Spawning Times
- Sight Fishing Post-Spawners
- The Rio Negro Lodge
3 Acrobatics On The Rio Sao Benedito
- World Record Fish
- Firecracker Dispositions
- Salto Thaimacu Isolation
- Accessing The Excitement
- In Harmony With Nature
4 Clippin' Along With Raw Power
- Surface Bite
- Unique Sightings
- Jawbone Action
- Dangerous Liaisons
- Getting There And Set Up
- The Amazon Is A Big Deal
5 Jufari Hi-Jinks
- Secrets Revealed
- Friends Join In The Bounty
- Jungle Atmosphere
- Safari Camp
- On The Move
6 Ventuari Vitals
- Rockbound Gardening
- Seasonal Satisfaction
- Oasis of Comfort
- Rocky Rollicks
7 Peruvian Treasures
- Maranon Missions
- Tiger Tracks
- Napo Cochas
- Yavari Yarns
- Timing The Bite
- Night Nature Walks/Other Interests
8 The Mysterious Xingu
- Fifth World Peacocks
- Multi-Specie Strikes
- Frontier Settlement Selection
- "The Land Where No One Walks"
- A Blastin' Good Time
9 Venezuela's Ranch Land Lakes
- Timber Testimony
- Prime Lunker Habitat
- Birthday Bass
- Time-Limited Action
10 Worldly Locations For Action
- Florida Peacocks Up Close
- Hawaii's Hula Peacock
- Lago Balbina And Rio Tupana
- Other Brazilian Discoveries
- Venezuela's Pasimoni Activity
- Lake Guri Hangs On
11 Tucurui & Other Northeast Brazil Hotspots
- Tournament Time
- Stressing Catch-And-Release
- Pristine Para State
- Tucurui & Tributaries
- Central Amazon Lakes Region
- Tapajos/Trombetas Tributes
12 Mato Grosso Gold
- Piraputanga Passions
- Golden Gospel
- Peacock Possibilities
- Water, Water, Everywhere
- World's Biggest Ecological Sanctuary
- World's Largest Tournament
13 Battles Won And Lost
- Catastrophic Cavort
- Equipment Examinations
- Line Up For Action
- Physical Shortcomings
- Mental Lapses
- Catch-And-Release
14 Range/Seasonal Movements
- The Amazon's Rainy Season
- The Amazon's Dry Season
- Critical Water Conditions
- Seasonal Calendar
15 Tackle/Equipment Considerations
- Luring Thoughts
- Prime Places
- Bank On Them
- Planning Ahead
- Equipment For The Expedition
- Travel Tips
16 Top Fly Action Advice
- Garrett's Brycon
- The Peacock Deceiver
- Flash-Tail Whistler
- Ariramba Fly
- Optimal Success